Nursery school and kindergarten: Enrolment of a child in a kindergarten
You may enrol a child who has reached the age of 11 months in a kindergarten at any time during the year.
Children can be enrolled in a kindergarten at any time during the year if there are any available places; however, kindergartens publish a public tender for the enrolment of new entrants for the next school year at least once a year.
Children who have reached the age of 11 months can be enrolled in kindergarten if the parents no longer exercise the right to the parental leave in the form of full absence from work.
Kindergarten selection and enrollment decisions
In choosing a kindergarten, the parents are not bound to kindergartens in the municipality of permanent or temporary residence, but you can choose a kindergarten in any municipality. The municipality of permanent residence is obliged to cover the difference between the price of the programme and the payment of the parents regardless in which public or private kindergarten with concession the child is enrolled.
If there are more children enrolled than there are vacant places, a commission decides on the acceptance. Children with disabilities and children from socially disadvantaged families with a certificate by the competent social work centre have the priority in enrolment. The municipality may give priority to the parents who have a permanent residence registered in its territory.
Notification of enrollment and admission of the child
The kindergarten informs the parents in writing on the date of acceptance and conditions of the admission of the child; the parents conclude an agreement with the kindergarten on their mutual rights and obligations. Upon the admission to kindergarten, the parents must provide a certificate from a paediatrician on the medical condition of the child.