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Can I work during the parental leave?
The Parental Protection and Family Benefit Act in Article 48 provides that the right to the benefit shall lapse if the inspection control of the employment relationships within the Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia for Labour finds out that a person works under an employment contract or is self-employed while being on the leave.
The right to the benefit shall cease if the person referred to in Paragraph 2 of Article 41 of this Act begins to work under an employment contract or becomes self-employed.

If any of the reasons mentioned in Paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article, the person must return the amount of unduly received benefit.

This means that, during the parental leave and receiving the parental benefits, a person can perform work under copyright or other civil contract according to the Code of Obligations (Official Gazette of RS, no. 97/07 – Official Consolidated Text 1). A different situation would be the case were such person to conclude an employment contract and start working in regular employment, as this would mean that parental leave is suspended and that he/she does not wish to exercise the right to absence from work due to the parenthood.